REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR OFFERING TECHNOLOGY and CYBERSECURITY SOFTWARE and HARDWARE PRODUCTS and SERVICES NEW JERSEY SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION, TRENTON, NEW JERSEY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY HAND DELIVERY OR BY U.S. MAIL, MARKED “Response to NJSBA’s RFP for the NJSBA TEC program/Technology and Cybersecurity Software and Hardware Products and Services.” addressed to Cynthia J. Jahn, Esq. Due to health and safety concerns for the public regarding COVID-19, and pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., known as the “Open Public Meetings Act,” NJSBA hereby gives notice that bids will be unsealed and read in public both through video conference and telephonically at 2:00 P.M. July 1, 2020, to review proposals to offer Technology and Cybersecurity Software and Hardware Products and Services. Bids received after the public call will not be opened. Responders and members of the public may attend the meeting either by video conference or telephonically.  Please use this link to join by video conference To join by phone please dial 415-655 0002 access code 664 077 163. Download the RFP, or to request a copy please contact: Cynthia Harrison Executive Assistant to the General Counsel/NJSBA 413 West State Street Trenton, N.J. 08618 609.278.5254   Trenton, New Jersey June 11, 2020