Archived and Upcoming Webinars

Recognizing and Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

05/14/2024 1:00 pm

Are you high achieving, yet you still doubt your worth? Do you often attribute your success to luck rather than hard work and talent? If so, you are not alone. You might be surprised to find out how many exceptional and accomplished professionals suffer from impostor syndrome. In this presentation we will define what it is and how we can identify this all-too-common self-limiting belief about ourselves. We will discuss ways to ameliorate its effects on our careers so you can own your greatness and stop doubting the value you bring to your organization. This webinar is part of the Women’s Leadership Series. All are welcome.


Strengthening New Jersey’s Educator Pipeline: Quality, Quantity and Diversity

11/30/2022 11:00 am

Tanisha Davis, director of the Office of Recruitment, Preparation and Certification will provide an update regarding the New Jersey Department of Education’s initiatives designed to strengthen the educator pipeline, increase educator diversity, and maintain educator quality. Ms. Davis will share lessons learned and promising practices that are happening throughout the state to address the educator shortage and diversify the educator workforce.

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Use NJSBA’s website to Enhance your Professional Learning

04/06/2022 11:00 am

Join members from the New Jersey School Boards Association’s Professional Learning Division to explore the NJSBA website and how it can help support you on your journey as a board member. This program will introduce you to the website and how to attain NJSBA’s certifications, access transcripts, comply with legislatively required trainings, register for programs, and access online program content you attend.

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Addressing Evolving Learning Challenges with Professional Development

02/17/2022 1:00 pm

This session will detail how competency-based, personalized micro-learning prepares teachers and staff to address the evolving challenges schools face and the significance of agile professional development in teacher growth and student achievement. Discover specific use cases and solutions to modern challenges like fluctuating classroom environments, teacher retention, and new teacher onboarding, as well as today's exponential pace of change.

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