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Topical School Law Resources

NJSBA provides comprehensive information, including lists of frequently asked questions, outlines and other resources, on school law.

Index to School Law Decisions

NJSBA Index to School Law Decisions is an online reference that includes summaries of decisions by the Commissioner of Education, the State Board of Education and the School Ethics Commission through 2014. The Index also includes selected rulings by the courts and entities such as the Government Records Council. Developed and updated regularly by NJSBA’s staff attorneys, this on-line research publication is of particular interest to school board attorneys and school administrators.

Basic School Law 2019

Can a school district change from an appointed to an elected board of education? What are the current requirements for a teacher to acquire tenure? When is a district eligible for “cap banking?” May a board member whose niece is a teacher in the district serve on the board’s negotiations committee?

These questions – and more—are answered in the latest edition of Basic School Law, written by the attorneys and subject area specialists at the New Jersey School Boards Association.  This newly revised and comprehensive reference offers current and authoritative information on state and federal education laws.

Election and Budget Information

School Finance Elections



Transgender Students

New Federal Guidance on Transgender Student Accommodations Will Have Little Impact on State  (2/23/2017)

State Testing Program

Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights

Gifted and Talented Education


Open Public Meetings Act

Open Public Records Act


Employment Issues

Rulings and Statutes

Charter Schools

Nothing contained in the documents above should be construed as legal advice. These documents are for informational purposes only. Please consult your board attorney for legal advice.