• President Reginald Bledsoe called the ECSBA meeting to order at Newark Vocational High School.

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On Dec. 12, the Essex County School Boards Association convened at Newark Vocational High for its Winter Meeting. The attendees were treated to a holiday-themed meal made and served by the Newark Vocational High School culinary and hospitality students.

ECSBA President Reginald Bledsoe welcomed approximately 40 in-person and virtual attendees, including 14 newly elected board of education members who participated in a 3Rs training session beforehand. This training focuses on the roles, resources and responsibilities of school board members in New Jersey and was facilitated by Jeanne Cleary, field service representative at the New Jersey School Boards Association; and Charlene Peterson, senior field service representative at NJSBA.

Harrison Silver, legislative advocate at NJSBA, joined the Essex County school board members and gave an update on the happenings in the New Jersey Legislature. Benjamin Morse, a board of directors delegate for NJSBA, gave an update from the last NJSBA board of directors meeting.

Peterson recognized the 16 retiring board of education members from Morris County, who collectively contributed over 80 years of service to local students and educational districts. Cleary delivered a field services update. Robert Acerra, a county activities coordinator at NJSBA, coordinated the election for the new NJSBA board of directors alternate, who will serve until spring 2026; he also presented the oath of office to the winner, Kasey Dudley, from the Bloomfield Board of Education. The NJSBA expresses its appreciation to Parul Khemka from the Livingston Board of Education, who also ran for the position.

The evening’s program was “AI: Embracing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Education.” The presenter was Dr. Christopher H. Tienken, associate professor, College of Human Development Culture and Media at Seton Hall University.

Before adjourning, Bledsoe took time to recognize Kathryn Weller-Demming of the Montclair Board of Education, an outgoing NJSBA board of directors delegate.