With the long-awaited reopening of New Jersey’s public schools for in-person instruction this fall, the start of this school year has not been what many of us expected. Yet, once again, our board members and educators responded with courage and determination.

As always, the New Jersey School Boards Association is here to assist and support boards during these unsteady times.

I invite you to use annual Workshop 2021 as an opportunity to help reset and reinvent.

Join us for the three-day virtual training conference, specifically geared for school officials, from Tuesday, Oct. 26 through Thursday, Oct. 28. I can promise productive and thoughtful conversations about timely topics and the changing dynamics of education.

Our signature event, brought to you in the spirit of cooperation with our partners, the New Jersey Association of School Administrators and the New Jersey Association of School Business Officials, will feature a myriad of speakers, who will provide updates on legal, governance, finance, and instructional topics, as well as forward-looking ideas on subjects including social-emotional learning, educational equity, sustainability, and community relations.

Workshop 2021 is New Jersey’s largest training conference for school officials. It is a time for school leaders to network, broaden their organizational leadership competencies and enlighten themselves. It is also a time to celebrate the arts in education, as we enjoy music and dance performances and see samples of student work in the visual arts arena.

The impressive lineup of some 100 training sessions will provide you with opportunities to deepen your knowledge and step up your confidence on behalf of our 1.4 million K-12 public school students.

Our keynote wellness expert will discuss how incorporating social emotional learning and addressing trauma for educators, staff and students can redefine the culture in your schools and bolster overall learning.  She will also talk about the vital importance of attending to your own well-being.

NJSBA remains committed to its mission to bring New Jersey’s education leaders budget-friendly, top-quality training. Virtual Workshop 2021 uses a state-of-the-art digital platform that can be conveniently accessed from the comfort of your office or home and sessions will be available for one month online after the event.

Let’s commit to working together during this difficult time. We know that learning and community can get us through the toughest challenges.

By Dr. Lawrence S. Feinsod