The New Jersey Department of Education announced in an advisory that the United States Department of Education has approved amendments to New Jersey’s American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief State Plan. Information regarding the amendment process can be found in the NJDOE’s earlier October 2023 broadcast memorandum.
The ARP Act provided $122 billion in ESSER funds to states and local education agencies so they could safely reopen, sustain safe operation and address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on students. New Jersey’s ARP ESSER State Plan was first approved by USDOE in August 2021.
In addition to the entitlement allocations to LEAs, the NJDOE used state set-aside funds for four additional ARP ESSER subgrants:
- Accelerated Learning Coaching and Educator Support Grant.
- Evidence-Based Summer Learning and Enrichment Activities Grant.
- Evidence-Based Comprehensive Beyond the School Day Activities Grant.
- New Jersey Tiered System of Supports Mental Health Support Staffing Grant.
Approved Changes
The amendments recently approved expand the allowable uses for each of the four subgrants listed above. For example, LEAs may now use the NJTSS Mental Health Support Staffing Grant for Tier I support and services (in addition to Tier II and III interventions) as well as professional learning (in addition to hiring or contracting staff) within the NJTSS framework. LEAs may also use the Learning Acceleration, Summer Learning, and Comprehensive Beyond the School Day grants to fund high-impact tutoring and to scale effective high-impact tutoring programs.
The NJDOE replaced the name “Accelerated Learning Coach and Educator Support” with “Learning Acceleration Student and Educator Supports” grant to signal the addition of direct student supports as an allowable use for this subgrant. More information on the expanded allowable uses can be found in the NJDOE’s ARP ESSER website.
Resources to Support LEAs Spending of ESSER Funds
The NJDOE recognizes that because of the expansion of allowable uses for the ARP ESSER subgrants, and the evolving needs of students and communities, LEAs may need to amend ARP ESSER spending plans. The NJDOE has created resources for LEAs and school staff who are involved in the reporting, filing and spending of ESSER funding. These resources can be found on the Review. Amend. Spend. Webpage.
For general ESSER information and resources, please see the ESSER webpage, and for questions please contact the NJDOE via email.