The New Jersey Department of Education released the state, district and school data files for the 2021-2022 statewide assessments on Dec. 16, according to an NJDOE broadcast.
While districts have had access to the overall state level performance since receiving their data files in late August, this is the first time state-level data that can be disaggregated is available for the 2021-2022 statewide assessments.
Release of Data Files
Beginning Dec. 16, state, district and school data files were made available on the Statewide Assessment Results webpage for the following assessment programs: New Jersey Student Learning Assessments, Dynamic Learning Maps, New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment and ACCESS for English Language Learners. These files contain the percentage of students at each performance level for students with valid scale scores in the state, district and school, and each demographic group (i.e., race/ethnicity, gender, economic disadvantage, English learners and students with disabilities).
It is important to note that certain data may be suppressed in the posted files to protect the confidentiality of the students. When this occurs, an asterisk (*) is used to indicate suppressed data.
If you have questions regarding the release of the 2021-2022 statewide assessment data files, contact the Office of Assessments at 609-376-3960 or via email.