State aid notices for the 2024-2025 school year are now available under “School Aid” in the New Jersey Department of Education Homeroom portal, according to an NJDOE advisory.
The NJDOE 2024-2025 school district online budget software has been updated to reflect each district’s state school aid. Additionally, software screens and functions that were previously blocked from access are now available for use.
There has been no change to the process for gaining access to the budget application through the NJDOE Homeroom portal. The district Homeroom administrator must create user accounts for individuals that need access to the budget software. Please refer to the Homeroom Administrator Manual on the NJDOE Homeroom portal for the instructions regarding the Homeroom administrator login. The budget software is named “Budget Statement” in the Homeroom administrator system.
The advisory includes a detailed list of screens and functions that are now available as well as instructions for school districts holding November elections and school districts holding elections in April.
Adjustments for P.L. 2020, c.44
The budget application is updated for the required calculation of tax levy adjustments for decreases in health care costs pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:16-13.3 (P.L. 2020, c.44). The amount on this line will be calculated by the NJDOE from district entries in the Chapter 44 data collection in the Homeroom portal. Pursuant to P.L. 2020, c.44, savings in district health care costs attributable to implementation of the statute are used as a reduction to the amount that is required to be raised by the local property tax levy by the school district. If a district believes the savings calculated pursuant to P.L. 2020, c.44 are unrelated to the implementation of the P.L. 2020, c.44, the district should include documentation with the budget submission to the respective executive county superintendent and executive county business official substantiating the position. Documentation should include, but may not be limited to, proof of change in health benefits provider, a documented reduction in force, or significant negotiated health benefit savings. Refer to the budget guidelines Appendix Dand Appendix D-1 worksheets for submission items.
County Review
Following the public hearings, school districts need to return to the budget software and access the “County Review and Approval” tab. Under the header “Results of Public Hearing,” select either Statement A or Statement B. Statement A should be completed if the budget approved by the executive county superintendent was adopted as approved at the public hearing. Statement B should be completed, along with all changes to the budget and/or separate proposal(s), if the budget and/or separate proposal(s) were revised as a result of the public hearing.
Directions for completing the “County Review and Approval” tab are found beginning on page 236 of the 2024-2025 Budget Guidelines and Electronic Data Collection Manual. School districts are required by N.J.S.A.18A:7F-5(e)(4) to submit the budget to the NJDOE within 15 days of the authorization of the tax levy by one of the following: the voters for a separate proposal; municipal governing body(ies); board of school estimate; or, in the case of a type II district with election in either April or November, the board of education.
Charter Schools Also Get Information
In a separate advisory, the NJDOE shared that in accordance with the fiscal year 2025 budget guidelines for school districts detailing the transfer of funds to charter schools, the estimated appropriations to be used in completing the fiscal year 2025 school district budget are now available on the School Aid Payments and Notices website on Homeroom.
Get all the details as they relate to charter schools in the full advisory.
For information and resources regarding the 2024-2025 budget process, refer to the NJDOE’s Districtwide Budget webpage. Contact your respective county office of education with questions.