When you read the Summer 2024 issue of School Leader, you’ll find an in-depth cover story on why school design and construction are so critical when it comes to student achievement.
Several engineers and architects were interviewed for the article, which highlighted critical elements such as the importance of natural light, maintaining a comfortable temperature, controlling the amount of noise students and teachers hear and more.
The issue also highlights important topics, such as:
- How school districts are navigating student cell phone use.
- How does the School Funding Reform Act and the formula it created work?
- How are school districts forging connections with student teachers who will soon be looking for a job or seeking to stand out to certified teachers open to working for a new district?
- Why should you put attending Workshop 2024, which will be Oct. 21-24 at the Atlantic City Convention Center, on your to-do list?
The issue also includes all the great features you’re accustomed to seeing in School Leader, including a President’s Message by Karen Cortellino, M.D. She writes about an NJSBA committee convened to review and update the findings and recommendations of the Association’s 2018 task force report on “the non-college bound learner.” There is also an Executive Word by Dr. Timothy Purnell, who shines a spotlight on two recent Supreme Court Decisions and what they mean for school districts and board members. The issue also includes a Legally Speaking feature; a policy update and more.