As part of the Leadership Conference series, the New Jersey School Boards Association will host a second session of “Calming the Waters of Turbulent Seas” on Friday, June 23, 2023. This session will be held at Saint Elizabeth University in Morristown from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The second session will be similar to the May 17 session, where attendees will spend the day engaging in interactive workshops, breakout sessions, hearing from expert panelists and more. The Leadership Conference series is aimed at equipping participants with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the complex and dynamic world of educational leadership.
Board members and district leaders will learn strategies to develop and improve communication and relationships with their educational stakeholders, in addition to gleaning insights on governance. By participating in interactive workshops and breakout sessions, they can learn from one another, share ideas and develop new skills.
The member fee for the conference is $125 and the non-member fee is $225. This program offers four Board Member Academy credits.
Details of the second session are coming soon. View more information on the conference here. Your school business administrator must register here.