At its April 6, 2022, public meeting, the New Jersey State Board of Education approved the following rulemaking for publication in the May 16 New Jersey Register: New rules at N.J.A.C. 6A:8, Standards and Assessment, to implement the Bridge Year Pilot Program.
The pilot program requires each school district with a high school to offer students in the graduating classes of 2021 and 2022 the opportunity to pursue a bridge year during the year immediately following their senior year of high school to address learning loss and missed opportunities in extracurricular activities, including spring sports programs, due to the circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The notice can be viewed at the New Jersey Department of Education’s Administrative Code and Statute webpage.
Public testimony on the rulemaking is scheduled for June 1. As the State Board of Education continues to meet remotely, only written testimony will be accepted. Individuals can submit testimony to the State Board of Education via email.
Members of the public also may send in written comments concerning the notice by July 15, via the Department’s Administrative Code and Statute webpage or via email.