In the fiscal year 2024 state budget, Gov. Phil Murphy allocated $4.5 million to support climate change education in New Jersey schools. The New Jersey Department of Education announced in an advisory that it is releasing a grant opportunity to support the work of local education agencies through grants to New Jersey institutions of higher education.
Climate Change Learning Collaboratives at New Jersey Institutes of Higher Education
The Expanding Access to Climate Change Education and the New Jersey Student Learning Standards through Climate Change Learning Collaboratives grant opportunity aims to create regional (northern, central and southern) CCLCs at a minimum of three, but up to six, New Jersey IHEs to support neighboring LEAs in their implementation of climate change education. Institute of higher education applicants will be responsible for identifying at least one community-based organization that is currently engaged in place-based environmental education in their region to serve as a partner.
The focus of this competitive grant opportunity is to deepen understanding and implementation of the NJSLS supporting climate change education. The competitively funded CCLCs are anticipated to increase the knowledge and skillset of New Jersey’s educators related to the NJSLS supporting Climate Change Education by:
- Providing professional development and technical assistance, including in support of experiential learning opportunities.
- Guiding educators in developing and identifying high quality instructional materials that are locally focused and culturally responsive.
- Fostering the opportunity for educators to collaborate and innovate with fellow educators at neighboring LEAs.
Application Availability and Deadlines
The Expanding Access to Climate Change Education and the New Jersey Student Learning Standards through Climate Change Learning Collaboratives Notice of Grant Opportunity document is now available on the
NJDOE’s Office of Grants Management webpage. Completed applications are due in the electronic web-enabled grant online application system by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024.
The technical assistance session for interested IHEs is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024, from 1 – 2 p.m. Interested IHEs should register here to attend.
Any questions regarding this NGO can be routed via email.
For questions regarding the EWEG online application system, please contact this email.
The NJDOE also announced another grant opportunity related to climate change education that you can learn about here.