The New Jersey Department of Education announced the 2023-2024 school year assessment schedule in a recent advisory.

This assessment schedule includes information about the administration windows for the following assessments: Dynamic Learning Maps assessments, New Jersey Student Learning Assessments, New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment, ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, and National Assessment of Educational Progress. Additionally, while the NJSLA summer 2023 administration has been cancelled, the NJGPA will still have a summer administration.

2023-2024 Assessment Schedule

The schedule for the statewide assessment program for the 2023-2024 school year is now available on the NJSLA/NJGPA Resources for Districts webpage under “Testing Schedule and Key Dates.” Information regarding the various assessment administrations will be shared with local educational agencies through a separate broadcast as additional details are available.

To enable LEAs to receive student results earlier in the school year, the NJGPA administration is scheduled for October 2023 for students who need to take or retake one or more components of the assessment. Upon receipt of results, LEAs can plan accordingly to ensure all students have an opportunity to satisfy the state graduation assessment requirement during the 2023-2024 school year.

Summer 2023 NJSLA Cancellation

Due to adjustments in the statewide assessment schedule for the 2023-2024 school year and updates to the graduation assessment requirement for the classes of 2023 to 2025, there will be no administration of the NJSLA this summer. The Statewide Assessments Testing Schedule 2022-2023 that is available on the NJSLA/NJGPA  Resources for Districts webpage under “Testing Schedule and Key Dates” has been updated to reflect this change.

For questions, please contact the Office of Assessments at 609-376-3960 or via email.