Local education agencies must upload the annual comprehensive financial report and the auditor’s management report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, by the statutory deadline of Feb. 5, 2022, according to a memo from the New Jersey Department of Education.
The NJDOE is aware of the challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and will work to facilitate the completion of the reports.
The New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance, requires LEAs to upload the ACFR, formerly known as the comprehensive annual financial report, the auditor’s management report and associated documents to the CAFR repository. This application opened Monday, Nov. 22, 2021, and is accessed through the NJDOE Homeroom portal.
In October 2021, GASB 98 was approved, which established and released the new term annual comprehensive financial report and its acronym ACFR. The terminology comprehensive annual financial report and the acronym CAFR will be accepted only for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021.
The NJDOE has posted online “Guidance to LEAs for uploading the CAFR, AMR and Associated Documents” for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. The guidance shows the documents and their required file names and file types. In addition, the guidance provides helpful hints to assist with the upload process.
Guidance is also provided through the NJDOE audit information webpage. Refer to the audit program (Section III, Chapters 1, 6 and 7).
Please forward questions regarding the submission process to Vince Mastrocola, director, Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance Special Audits Unit, via vincent.mastrocola@doe.nj.gov, or call (609) 410-4425 (cell), or (609) 376-3607 (work).