Local educational agencies can now take advantage of the voluntary Kindergarten to Third Grade Self-Assessment Validation System (also known as K-3 SAVS), according to an advisory issued by the New Jersey Department of Education.
Grounded in a framework of criteria and indicators of a high-quality kindergarten through third grade educational program, K-3 SAVS allows interested LEAs to self-assess evidence of practice as it aligns with quality indicators, thereby guiding a continual improvement cycle. K-3 SAVS has been piloted in stages from 2019 to 2023 to include research and development, pilot tool application, protocol implementation, final tool development and release.
K-3 SAVS provides early childhood education communities with a quality framework of criteria and indicators, implementation tools and sample protocols to support raising the quality and alignment of kindergarten to third grade early childhood education programs.
The K-3 SAVS system has three main tools:
- A Guide to the K-3 SAVS: An overview of the philosophy, purpose, guidance, sample protocols, agendas and supporting references contributed by early childhood experts and stakeholders.
- The Framework and Plan for a High–Quality K-3 Education Program: The criteria, indicators, analytic rubric, growth plan templates and related protocols. Additional protocols support LEAs in communicating growth plans to strengthen alignment between evidence of current practice and the quality indicators.
- Optional K-3 SAVS Feedback Tool: Opportunity to provide feedback on the use of K-3 SAVS.
Please visit the K-3 SAVS webpage to access this voluntary self-assessment and improvement system, K-3 SAVS or reach out via email to the K-3 Office of Education for more information..
Please visit the New Jersey Department of Education Calendar of Events webpage to sign up for the K-3 SAVS Office Hours: Oct. 26, 2023; Dec. 7, 2023; or Feb. 1, 2024, from 3:15 – 4 p.m.