As a school official, you need to know how to navigate public criticism and complaints. From executive leadership style and speech, to role-playing different scenarios that you may encounter during public meetings, the PR Forum on Friday, June 10, will provide actionable tips and resources.
With the theme of “Proactive PR: Get Ahead of the Controversy,” the virtual event hosted by the New Jersey School Boards Association will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. It will feature individual speakers as well as a panel that will highlight how to communicate about hot topics garnering national attention. Breakout rooms will be available for more in-depth discussions and question-and-answer sessions.
One of the sessions, “Words Matter: What to Say in Specific Situations,” will feature Janet Bamford, NJSBA’s chief public affairs officer, who will team up with Mary Ann Friedman, NJSBA field service representative; and Michael Kvidahl, NJSBA manager of digital communications and marketing on role-playing scenarios.
During their session, the trio will highlight several topics, including body language, facial expressions and legal and ethical obligations concerning transparency in governance. With their insights, board members will be equipped to manage challenging encounters with the public.
The two board academy credits you’ll earn by attending in addition to the strategies and insights you’ll learn on navigating board meetings and interacting with the public will make the $75 per person registration fee money well spent.
Registration The member rate for this program is $75 per person. The school business administrator must handle registration. Register here.
For questions on this program, email Ann Marie Smith.