At its August meeting, the New Jersey State Board of Education heard updates and took action on the following items:
- Dynamic Learning Maps and ACCESS for ELLs The State Board discussed a resolution on cut scores for the Dynamic Learning Maps. The DLM is used as the state’s alternate assessment aligned with alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS) for students with the most significant intellectual disabilities, as required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and N.J.A.C. 6A:8-4. The DLM suite of assessments took the place of the Alternate Proficiency Assessment (APA) in New Jersey. The DLM English Language Arts (ELA) and math assessments were implemented in the 2014-2015 school year and cut scores for those assessments were adopted by the State Board in January 2016. The DLM science assessment was implemented in the 2017-2018 school year, but cut scores were not adopted by the board at that time. The State Board also discussed cut off scores for the ACCESS assessments test of English language proficiency in four domains: speaking, listening, writing and reading.
- Praxis Mathematics, Middle School Mathematics, Middle School Science, and New Qualifying Scores for edTPA The State Board discussed a resolution concerning qualifying scores for the Praxis and the edTPA. Regardless of pathway, to obtain certification, teacher candidates are required to demonstrate content knowledge, basic skills and pedagogical skills through various assessments: The Praxis measures knowledge while the edTPA measures pedagogical skills.
- Homeless Students Amendments to the regulations concerning homeless students were discussed. These regulations ensure that homeless children, students placed in state facilities, and children in resource family care (formerly known as foster care) are provided a thorough and efficient education. These regulations also establish uniform statewide policies to ensure school enrollment of homeless children and youth. These regulations also establish policies to ensure the educational stability of children in resource family care.
- Charter Schools The State Board adopted, without changes, the regulations concerning charter schools. The acting commissioner has said she recognizes the need to re-adopt this important chapter of code while balancing the need to allow more time for stakeholder engagement for any future amendments. The demands of the COVID-19 pandemic have prevented the NJDOE from engaging in the meaningful, robust public discussion that this chapter merits in this rulemaking cycle. The NJDOE invites stakeholders and the public to provide input regarding the existing rules at N.J.A.C. 6A:11 and possible amendments for the next rulemaking by email at