Written by the attorneys and subject area specialists at the New Jersey School Boards Association, this newly revised and comprehensive reference offers current and authoritative information on state and federal education laws, regulations, and court decisions. The most recent edition was published in 2019. The book, which runs over 500 pages, is available to school districts, charter school associate members, and AMPSA members for $125; non-members pay $150.

Can a school district change from an appointed to an elected board of education? What are the current requirements for a teacher to acquire tenure? When is a district eligible for “cap banking?” May a board member whose niece is a teacher in the district serve on the board’s negotiations committee?

These questions – and more—are answered in the latest edition of Basic School Law, written by the attorneys and subject area specialists at the New Jersey School Boards Association.  This newly revised and comprehensive reference offers current and authoritative information on state and federal education laws.

Review an excerpt from the new Basic School Law, including the Table of Contents and a section of Chapter 1. The sample provides a preview of the book’s depth and breadth and its extensive citation of statute, regulation, case law, and administrative decisions.

Purchase Basic School Law Today

Basic School Law is available for purchase to districts, but only by the school business administrator, as well as AMPSA members.  Purchases may be made online by credit card.

The book, which runs more than 500 pages, is currently available to school districts, charter school associate members, and AMPSA members at a price of $125; non-members pay $150.

For questions or more information on Basic School Law 2019, contact Gina Cuciti at gcuciti@njsba.org in the Member Services & Strategic Partnerships Division.