In addition to selection by the Association’s Nominating Committee, NJSBA
Bylaws provide a process for candidates to be nominated by petition for all elected officer positions. The Association has posted a sample nominating petition on its website
Such a petition must be signed by at least 10 members, from at least five different boards of education, filed with the NJSBA executive director, and received
no later than March 31, 2021.
No candidate may be nominated unless he or she has previously served one full term as a board member prior to his/her election to office. The signatures need not all appear upon a single petition and any number of petitions may be filed on behalf of a candidate, but no petition shall contain the endorsement of more than one candidate. The written consent of the candidate for nomination by petition must be filed with the executive director within the same time limit.
Nominations by petition should be sent via Federal Express or registered/receipt-requested mail to New Jersey School Boards Association, 413 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08618, Attn: Dr. Lawrence S. Feinsod, Executive Director.
Information with Petition When submitting nominations by petition, candidates should include a black-and-white “head and shoulders” photo and a resume that includes a 200-word statement explaining why they are seeking the position.
Resumes should contain information under the following headings: local board activities; county activities; NJSBA activities; education; and employment/community activities
. A sample resume may be obtained from Cindy Harrison by calling 1-888-886-5722, Ext. 5254, or emailing her at
A report of all candidates by petition will be made no later than April 2, 2021. The report will appear in
School Board Notes and on NJSBA’s website.