The New Jersey Department of Education recently provided the 2024-2025 school year assessment schedule and reminded local educational agencies of statutory requirements (N.J.S.A. 18A:7C-6.6) to annually notify parents/guardians by Oct. 1 of any state assess mentor commercially-developed standardized assessment that will be administered over the course of the school year.

2024-2025 Statewide Assessment Schedule

The schedule for the statewide assessment program for the 2024-2025 school year is now available on the NJSLA/NJGPA Resources webpage under Testing Schedule and Key Dates. Information regarding the various assessment administrations will be shared with districts through separate broadcast memos when additional details are available.

To enable districts to receive student results earlier in the school year, the NJGPA administration is scheduled for October 2024 for students who need to take or retake one or more components of the assessment. Please refer to this Aug. 14 advisory for more information.

Parental Notification of Standardized Assessments

By Oct. 1 of each year, LEAs must notify parents/guardians of any state assessment or commercially- developed standardized assessment that will be administered over the course of the school year. If, after the initial notification to parents/guardians occurs, an LEA decides to administer an additional commercially developed standardized assessment, the LEA must communicate this decision as soon as possible and provide information about the additional assessment to parents/guardians within 30 days of making the determination. LEAs are required to provide the following information to parents/guardians:

  • The subject area of the assessment.
  • The grade levels covered by the assessment.
  • The date or range of potential dates for the administration of the assessment.
  • The time allotted for the student to take and complete the assessment.
  • Any accommodations or accessibility options available to students.
  • Information on how and when the student and their parents/guardians can access both sample questions and answers from the assessment, as well as the student’s results.
  • Whether the assessment is required by the federal government, state government, or local district.

The NJDOE’s Office of Assessments has developed a sample template to support districts in implementing the provisions of this statute. This sample template can be accessed on the NJSLA/NJGPA Resources webpage under the heading Forms and Templates. It is not required that districts adopt the template, but it is required that the above-mentioned information is disseminated to parents/guardians by Oct. 1 of each year or within 30 days of the decision to administer a standardized assessment after Oct. 1.

For additional information, contact the Office of Assessments at 609-376-3960 or via email.