Staff members from the New Jersey School Boards Association played an active role in the 2024 Federation of Trainers Conference hosted by the Minnesota School Boards Association.

From June 26-29, 2024, six NJSBA staff members, along with trainers, conference planners, communications and technology workalike groups from state school boards associations, gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The conference, which included about 90 staff members from 31 state associations from across the country, saw NJSBA staff members participating in workshops such as The Ins, Outs, and Outtakes of Member Engagement; Tips, Tricks and Training Tools … OHMI; and Charting the Course: A Deep Dive into Board Member Induction.

NJSBA staff members from left to right: Robert Acerra, county activities coordinator; Jeanne Cleary, field service representative; Kelly Mitchell, field service representative; Mary Ann Friedman, senior field service representative; Dr. Tim Teehan, field service representative; Ray Pinney, lead director, member training and engagement.