School Board Notes

We are still on our summer publishing schedule for School Board Notes. The next issue will be emailed Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024.

Current Issue:Governor Signs Bills to Boost Literacy, Aug. 21, 2024


Daily Record

NJ school lunches reflect student cultures in North Jersey

Parent groups, nonprofits and lawmakers in New Jersey are finding room for cultural meals in school cafeterias and using food to foster understanding.

5 N.J. school districts exploring possible mergers (

Schools in five New Jersey districts will use state grants to explore the possible benefits of forming regional school districts or consolidating with nearby districts, state officials announced.

N.J. kids are failing grade-school math, but there is a solution | Opinion

Education leaders across New Jersey acknowledge that student achievement in mathematics is not where it needs to be. This longstanding failure – only exacerbated by the pandemic — continues today, as we collectively attempt to address learning loss at younger grade levels.



National teacher of the year urges teachers to ‘find their voice’

Missy Testerman, who just ended her tenure as Tennessee’s teacher of the year, said that bigger educational priorities demand attention: air conditioners are breaking down in aging school buildings as a new academic year begins; federal pandemic relief funding is running out to pay for tutoring and summer learning programs; and school communities are struggling to provide mental health support, especially for their most marginalized students.

Education Week

Education Debates You’ll Likely Hear About in the Election, Explained

Brush up on key education policy issues that could show up in national, state, and local races.

Student Identity Is Complex. Here’s How to Honor It (Opinion)

How to help students, families, and teachers develop a regard for themselves and others.

4 Ways Schools Can Help Students Learn to Disagree Respectfully

Experts believe schools play a role in helping people learn to get along.

How Gen Z Feels About Life and the Future, in Charts

How Gen Z students feel about the future depends on their postsecondary plans.

Fox News

Cellphone bans in some states’ public schools take effect as experts point out pros and cons (

Some U.S. states and school districts are heeding calls for stricter protocols or even outright bans on cellphone usage by students.

Washington Post

School cellphone bans are spreading across states amid mental health worries

Students returning to school in a growing number of states and districts are facing tight restrictions and outright bans on cellphone use as evidence mounts of the damaging impact persistent connection to the internet has on teenagers.