Searching for a ‘New Normal’ as Educators Struggle to Find a Way to Safely Reopen Schools
NJSBA’s special report examines the challenges facing schools in the months ahead.
Meeting the Needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
Legislation signed last summer will help support the success of students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
School Security Remains a Legislative Priority
An update on the latest security-related laws
Rethinking Lockdown Drills, Post COVID-19
A social worker discusses how schools can make drills less traumatic for children
Emergency Planning for Students with Disabilities
Students with special needs also have special needs in school safety planning
President's Message: A Thank You to the NJSBA Membership
Board member teamwork is getting us through these hard times.
Executive Word: Searching for a New Normal
Almost overnight, New Jersey’s school districts made the profound shift from educating students in person to doing so remotely.
ELFNJ Spotlight: County Meetings Go Virtual
County school boards association members have continued to gather—virtually.
Readers Forum: How Public School Leaders Can Plan During a Pandemic
The coronavirus is testing the leadership capabilities of boards of education.
Legally Speaking: Employee Leave During the Pandemic
Recently enacted laws addressing the impact of COVID-19 increase paid leave benefits for employees.