Board members, administrators, school board attorneys and school leaders from throughout the state turned out in force for the New Jersey School Boards Association’s Fall Labor Summit at the Association’s headquarters in Trenton on Oct. 1.

Mary Beth Hennessy-Shotter, chair of the Public Employment Relations Commission, shared information about PERC and an update on its activities.

They enjoyed a day of networking and learning best practices on how to navigate the negotiations process.

Kathleen Asher, NJSBA’s director of legal and labor relations, New Jersey School Boards Association, welcomed the attendees before turning it over to Mary Beth Hennessy-Shotter, chair of the Public Employment Relations Commission, who shared information about PERC and an update on its activities.

Next, Sandy Raup and Annette Goddard, both business data analysts at the NJSBA, teamed up to provide a business/data update filled with interesting statistics.

Kathleen Asher, NJSBA’s director of legal and labor relations, welcomed attendees, shared insights throughout the day, and delivered a presentation that focused on negotiating contracts.

Jonathan Pushman, senior director of advocacy at the NJSBA, delivered a governmental relations/legislative update.

After attendees broke for lunch, they heard a legal update from Kathryn Whalen, legal counsel/HR at the NJSBA, as well as Janet Bamford, the Association’s Chief Public Affairs Officer, who was joined by Thomas Parmalee, manager of communications and publications, as they shared some insight on communicating with the public about labor relations issues.

Asher capped off the day with a presentation that focused on negotiating contracts.