Education Community Celebrates the Launch of the New Jersey Climate Change Education Hub
Leaders from the education community introduced the New Jersey Climate Change Education Hub, an online portal to connect K-12 educators to the resources they need to integrate climate change into their curriculum across subject areas and grade levels, during a June...
U.S. Supreme Court Rules Prayer at 50-Yard Line Permitted
In sum, the court concluded that the district had violated the football coach's First Amendment rights because he was engaging in private speech during time when other coaches were also engaged in private, albeit secular, speech.
USDOE Announces Significant Proposed Amendments to Title IX Regulations
On June 23, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 addressing the protections against sex discrimination in educational settings, the United States Department of Education announced significant proposed amendments to the Title...
Upcoming Webinars to Continue the Conversation on School Safety
The New Jersey School Boards Association has rolled out a summer safety series to keep the conversation going around the topic of school safety. Join us for the first program in the series, "Addressing Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying," on Wednesday,...
Workshop Early-Bird Pricing Available Until June 30th 2022
The New Jersey School Boards Association is offering a special early-bird group rate of $2,100 for 25 team members. The regular group registration rate of $2,200 goes into effect Friday, July 1.
Deadlines Near for Board Candidates in November Election
The deadline for board of education candidates to file nominating petitions with their county clerk to run in the November election is 4 p.m., July 25.
Latest Issue of School Board Notes Digest Now Available Online
The June 28 edition of the School Board Notes Digest has been posted online. The monthly digest is a condensed roundup of the weekly issues that are printed digitally each week.
Summer Production Schedule for School Board Notes
Starting with the next issue, School Board Notes will begin its traditional summer production schedule, with a new issue published every other week.
Self-Assessment Opens Under Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
The New Jersey Department of Education recently opened the 2021-2022 school self-assessment for determining grades under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act.
Position Open: NJSBA Seeks County Activities Coordinator
The New Jersey School Boards Association is seeking a full-time county activities coordinator. This dynamic individual will join our team to provide leadership development through regional programming for local board of education members.