School board members interested in becoming an officer with the New Jersey School Boards Association must participate in an interview before the Association’s Nominating Committee. Candidates for office should use this application. Applications must be received at NJSBA headquarters by 5 p.m. on Jan. 17, 2025.

Pursuant to Article VII, Section 2 of the NJSBA Bylaws, eligible candidates will have qualified for and received the Certified Board Member qualification as set forth in the NJSBA’s Governance and Operations Manual (GO 6603.1 and 6603.JR).

Guidelines and position descriptions appear below.

Positions that will be open are the presidency and three vice presidencies. The election will take place May 10, 2025, at the NJSBA Delegate Assembly. All offices are two-year terms, May 2025 – May 2027. Job descriptions for officer positions follow:


  • Preside at all meetings of the Delegate Assembly, the board of directors, and the Executive Committee.
  • Participate in the opening and closing General Sessions during Workshop.
  • Serve as an ex-officio member of all Association committees unless otherwise set forth by the NJSBA Bylaws.
  • Appoint all standing and special committees unless otherwise set forth in the Bylaws.
  • Cause to be signed all contracts and other obligations on behalf of the Association.
  • In consultation with the NJSBA executive director, name delegates to represent the Association at meetings of other educational groups unless otherwise set forth in the Bylaws.
  • At each annual meeting of the Association, render a full report of its proceedings for the preceding year.
  • Perform the duties of a vice president, or assign them to another vice president, in the event a vice president is absent or there is a vacancy in the vice presidency.
  • Provide leadership and vision for the Association.
  • Evaluate the executive director.
  • Facilitate the Executive Committee working as a team and share responsibilities of the Executive Committee.
  • Testify before legislative committees as necessary.
  • Attend NJSBA functions, including but not limited to:

a. Executive Committee.

b. Board of directors meetings.

c. Delegate Assemblies.

d. Annual Workshop conventions.

e. Annual Legislative Day conferences.

f. New Board Member Weekend Orientation conferences.

g. NJSBA Leadership conferences.

h. NJASA/NJSBA Annual Spring conferences.

i. NSBA Conferences, as requested.

  • Attend and give greetings at county school boards association meetings and dinners as assigned.
  • Perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Bylaws, Delegate Assembly or board of directors.

Vice President for Legislation/Resolutions

  • Serve as chair of the Legislative Committee and the Resolutions Subcommittees.
  • Plan and conduct in-service legislative training activities, in consultation with the executive director.
  • Testify at and/or participate in the legislative hearings and activities, as requested by the president or executive director of the Association.
  • Preside over those portions of the Delegate Assembly where resolutions, bylaws amendments, and policy recommendations resulting from the Association’s policy review process are considered, and present such resolutions, bylaws amendments and policy recommendations to be acted upon by the delegates.
  • Moderate Legislative Conference and Legislative Session at Workshop.
  • Work as a team member and share responsibilities of the Executive Committee.
  • Provide leadership and vision for the Association.
  • Attend and give greetings at county school boards association meetings and dinners as assigned.
  • Evaluate the executive director.
  • Attend NJSBA functions, including but not limited to:

a. Executive Committee.;

b. Board of directors meetings.

c. Delegate Assemblies.

d. Annual Workshop conventions.

e. Annual Legislative Day conferences.

f. New Board Member Weekend Orientation conferences.

g. NJSBA Leadership conferences.

h. NJASA/NJSBA Annual Spring conferences.

i. NSBA Conferences, as requested.

  • Attend and give greetings at county school boards association meetings and dinners as assigned.
  • Perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Bylaws or assigned by the president.

Vice President for Finance

  • Be bonded by the Association in such amount as shall be approved by the board of directors.
  • Serve as chair of the Finance Committee.
  • Cause to be kept an account of all Association monies received and disbursed.
  • Cause to be made and published an annual audit of the Association’s accounts and financial records.
  • Render a detailed report of the financial condition of the Association at each annual meeting of the delegates.
  • Sign and issue all checks covered by vouchers pursuant to the Bylaws.
  • Serve as a member of the Audit Committee.
  • Serve as an ex-officio member of the School Finance Committee, as specified in Article X, Section 9 of the Bylaws.
  • Participate at Workshop as assigned.
  • Work as a team member and share responsibilities of the Executive Committee.
  • Provide leadership and vision for the Association.
  • Attend and give greetings at county school boards association meetings and dinners as assigned.
  • Testify before legislative committees when asked.
  • Evaluate the executive director.
  • Attend NJSBA functions.
  • Attend NJSBA functions, including but not limited to:

a. Executive Committee.

b. Board of directors meetings.

c. Delegate Assemblies.

d. Annual Workshop conventions.

e. Annual Legislative Day conferences.

f. New Board Member Weekend Orientation conferences.

g. NJSBA Leadership conferences.

h. NJASA/NJSBA Annual Spring conferences.

i. NSBA Conferences, as requested.

  • Attend and give greetings at county school boards association meetings and dinners as assigned.
  • Perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Bylaws or assigned by the president.

Vice President for County Activities

  • Act as liaison between the Association and the various county school boards associations.
  • Preside at County Association Leadership meetings.
  • Host County Association Leadership Cafe at Workshop.
  • Work as a team member and share responsibilities of the Executive Committee.
  • Provide leadership and vision for the Association.
  • Attend and give greetings at county school boards association meetings and dinners as assigned.
  • Testify before legislative committees when asked.
  • Evaluate the executive director.
  • Attend NJSBA functions, including but not limited to:

a. Executive Committee.

b. Board of directors meetings.

c. Delegate Assemblies.

d. Annual Workshop conventions.

e. Annual Legislative Day conferences.

f. New Board Member Weekend Orientation conferences.

g. NJSBA Leadership conferences.

h. NJASA/NJSBA Annual Spring conferences.

i. NSBA Conferences, as requested.

  • Attend and give greetings at county school boards association meetings and dinners as assigned.
  • Perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Bylaws or assigned by the president.

According to Association Policy 8204 –     Election of NJSBA Officers,

applicants seeking nomination as an officer by the Nominating Committee shall have their name, school district/county and position sought announced in School Board Notes following the deadline for submission of nominations.

This announcement of individuals who have applied to the Nominating Committee will specify the position sought as “president” or “vice president for county activities, vice president for finance or vice president for legislation/ resolutions.

For more information, please contact Cynthia Harrison by email at or call her at 609-278-5254.