The New Jersey Department of Education recently issued an advisory with information on the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment cut scores for the class of 2026. There will be no change to the cut scores; they will remain the same as they were for the classes of 2024 and 2025.

Class of 2026

To demonstrate graduation readiness, each student must achieve a score of 725 on the English language arts and mathematics components of the assessment. Students who take but do not meet the minimum required score on each component of the assessment will have the opportunity to receive additional supports and may take the following steps:

  • Retake the ELA and/or mathematics components of the NJGPA in the summer or fall of 2025.
  • Access an alternative pathway available to their graduating class (i.e., portfolio appeal).

Proposed Revisions to Chapter 8

Proposed revisions to Chapter 8 of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 6A:8), including other graduation assessment pathways, were presented for a second discussion to the New Jersey State Board of Education on March 5, 2025.

A second discussion generally represents the second of four steps by the State Board to re-adopt a chapter of department regulations. Pending the completion of that re-adoption process, information about updates to the other graduation assessment pathways, including the menu of substitute competency assessments available to students beyond the class of 2025, will be shared through broadcast announcements and posted on the Graduation Assessment Requirements webpage.

For questions, please contact the NJDOE’s Office of Assessments at 609-376-3960 or via email.