The Hudson County School Boards Association met on Nov. 25 at Harrison High School in Harrison.
Jose Soares, HCSBA president, welcomed the nearly 30 attendees in person and virtually, including the four newly elected board of education members who attended the New Jersey School Boards Association’s 3Rs training before the meeting, which focuses on the Roles, Resources and Responsibilities of being a school board member in New Jersey.
Barry Fitzgerald, NJSBA’s vice president for county activities, shared an update from the 2023 – 2025 NJSBA officer team. Jeanne Cleary, an NJSBA field service representative, delivered a field services report. Hector Gonzalez Jr., a board of directors’ delegate to the NJSBA, presented an update to members; Harrison Silver, NJSBA’s legislative advocate, delivered an informative legislative update to members.
Robert Acerra, a county activities coordinator with the NJSBA, recognized the five “retiring” board of education members from Hudson County. These members, who represented 13.5 years of service to the students and districts in Hudson County, were a cornerstone of our educational community.
The evening program was “Foundations of Board Governance,” presented by Cleary, and “Robert’s Rules of Order,” presented by Acerra. A variety of other essential business activities were also discussed at the meeting.