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Becoming a School Board Member: Candidate Kit

NJSBA’s Candidate Kit provides vital resources, as well as links to important websites for anyone considering running for their local school board.

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November 5, 2024 – School Board Election

Information Programs for School Board Candidates

Candidate Briefing Announcement

The New Jersey School Boards Association is hosting in-person regional Candidates Briefings to address the structure and responsibilities of local school boards in New Jersey. Candidates running for their local school board in the November general election 2024 are encouraged to attend this free program.

Webinar: What School Board Candidates Should Know About Campaign Finance Information and Disclosure

School board candidates, like others seeking elected office, must comply with New Jersey’s campaign finance laws. In this webinar we will discuss the information that needs to be maintained and disclosed, as well as the dates for submitting reports. We will also discuss some of the nuances concerning the receipt of contributions and the expenses associated with campaigns.


Information for the November 5, 2024 School Board Election

Important Notice: NJSBA has done its best to have the most accurate information on the April 2024 annual school board election. Pending legislation may affect the current information. NJSBA will make every effort to update the information if necessary as soon as it becomes available.

Sample Petitions: It is important that all prospective candidates check with their county clerk and/or school business administrator to make sure you do not have to use a county specific candidate petition form.

Consider School Board Candidacy!

Congratulations! You have taken the first step toward filling a vital role for your community – that of a school board member.

NJSBA’s Candidate Kit provides vital resources (downloadable PDFs listed below), as well as links to important websites for anyone considering running for their local school board.

The work of a school board has become increasingly complex, but rest assured, if you’re elected or appointed to your school board, you won’t ‘go it alone.’  NJSBA is New Jersey’s only service organization whose sole mission is to train, assist and represent the state’s local boards of education. With the New Jersey School Boards Association offering support and training, you will find your term of service on your district board extremely rewarding.”

– Karen Cortellino, M.D, president, New Jersey School Boards Association

If you are considering serving on your school board, take advantage of NJSBA’s online briefings that provide details about the responsibilities of serving on a local board of education. NJSBA’s online briefings include three videos that address leadership, legal issues, and the role of a board member. Candidates can also listen to a recorded online radio broadcast, “What Board Members Need to Know When They’re Elected.”

Important Background Information

On July 1, 2020, Gov. Murphy signed into law P.L.2020, c. 55 that would provide for an electronic process for the collection of petition signatures and their submission for the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency. On Jan. 25, 2021, Murphy issued Executive Order 216, which clarified electronic filing procedures for the upcoming April elections. Please contact the secretary of your local board of education for filing details.

Annual Election Dates

A 2012 law, P.L.2012, c. 78, gives communities the option to change the date of the school board member elections from the third Tuesday in April to the General Election in November. Although the majority of school districts have changed to November school elections, please check with your local board of education office to confirm the date of the 2021 school election in your community.

Nominating Petitions – Filing Deadline

Individual and Joint Filing

Legislation enacted in 2018 permits board of education candidates to circulate nominating petitions jointly and to be bracketed together on the ballot. Below are two sample petitions: one for an individual filing and one for joint filing.

Email addresses – A 2018 statute requires that a nominating petition for any state, county, school, or municipal elective public office include a functioning email address for the candidate.

Circular for Petitions

On March 31, 2014, the Honorable Mary Jacobson, A.J.S.C., Assignment Judge of Mercer County, issued an opinion and order in the case of Empower Our Neighborhood, et al. v. Guadagno, et al. The order states, in part, that a circulator for school board nomination petitions is not required to be a registered voter or resident of the jurisdiction of the candidate, but must otherwise be eligible to vote in New Jersey.  Attorney General’s Ruling

Sample Petitions

Board candidates are reminded that some county boards of elections require the use of a county-specific nominating petition and other forms. Candidates should contact their district business administrator or county clerk for details concerning the proper form(s) to use for candidacy in the April 2024 school board elections, and for details about filing procedures and any new developments in signature collection and other filing requirements. NJ-County-Clerk-Contact-Information.

The deadline for submission of the 2024 April school board election nominating petitions to the school district business administrator for both individual and joint filings is Feb. 26, 2024.

Additional Information and Resources

Vote Poster – November 2024

Download for print.

Download for online posting:

Criminal History Records Check

Board members must complete a criminal history record check through the New Jersey Department of Education within 30 days of election or appointment. The 30-day period commences upon the certification of election results or upon confirmation of the appointment.

Campaign Reporting Requirements

Contacting the Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC)

Ten Things School Board Candidates — and Newly Elected Board Members — Should Know

Learn more

Online Candidate Briefings: What Candidates Need to Know When Elected

To help potential candidates understand the roles and responsibilities of school board members, the New Jersey School Boards Association offers online Candidate Briefings. These programs address the structure and responsibilities of local school boards in New Jersey. The programs include:

Contact Ann Marie Smith, NJSBA’s Communications, at  for more information.

Webinar: What School Board Candidates Should Know About Campaign Finance Information and Disclosure

Watch Now