March 24, 2020–Starting this week, NJSBA will host Facebook Live events to address questions from boards, school administrators, and educators during the COVID-19 pandemic. This week’s events include the following:
  • Wednesday at 10 a.m., “NJSBA I-STEAM and Sustainability Update I” — Hosted by John Henry, I-STEAM and sustainable schools specialist, the program will address preparing for home instruction and this year’s STEAM Tank Challenge.
  • Wednesday at 7 p.m., Update from the Field” — Gwen Thornton and Kathy Helewa, NJSBA field service representatives, will answer pressing questions on school district governance and board operations.
  • Thursday at 7 p.m., “Legally Speaking” — NJSBA Counsel John Burns will share responses to the questions being received through the Association’s Attorney of the Day service during the current crisis.
  • Friday at 10 a.m., “NJSBA I-STEAM and Sustainability Update II” —  John Henry will host a discussion with guests from the I-STEAM education community.
The Facebook Live format gives viewers the opportunity to tap into NJSBA’s expertise on school district governance, school law, labor relations, legislation and policy and to learn about the delivery of I-STEAM and sustainability education online. Viewers will have the opportunity to ask questions live on NJSBA’s Facebook page. Future Facebook Live events will be announced on and through School Board Notes. For the latest information, bookmark this resource page, which will be updated frequently: For more information on NJSBA Facebook Live events, follow us on Facebook.