NJSBA Delivers Testimony on How to Use American Rescue Plan Funds
New Jersey School Boards Association participated in a virtual hearing to provide testimony on how remaining American Rescue Plan State Fiscal Recovery Fund dollars should be used.
New Jersey School Boards Association participated in a virtual hearing to provide testimony on how remaining American Rescue Plan State Fiscal Recovery Fund dollars should be used.
The purpose of the school threat assessment team is to help ensure a safe and secure school environment by assisting staff in identifying students who pose a potential safety risk and preventing targeted violence in the district.
The New Jersey School Boards Association has drafted a sample resolution boards of education can adopt to express their opposition to the exorbitant rate hikes. Boards of education are encouraged to add this resolution to their next meeting agenda and...
New Jersey School Boards Association would like to shine a spotlight on the specific impactful ways in which districts have used — and are currently using — ESSER funding to assist students and improve public education.
This year, 112 STEAM Tank teams made it to the virtual STEAM Tank final presentations held in May. Over 1,500 students pitched their creative and innovative ideas and solutions to judges who volunteered their time and provided critical feedback to help...
New Jersey School Boards Association staff met with leaders from the New Jersey PTA at NJSBA headquarters in Trenton July 28.
The recent Supreme Court decision involving prayer will be the subject of a lively discussion at noon Aug. 11, when Ray Pinney, director of county activities and member engagement at New Jersey School Boards Association, interviews Marc Zitomer, a partner...
Resolutions for the Nov. 19 meeting must be received at NJSBA’s office by 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15. Notice regarding the cutoff date was emailed to school business administrators, county association presidents, board presidents and board delegates on June 16.
New Jersey schools ranked third in the nation based on factors such as performance, funding, safety, class size and instructor credentials, according to a WalletHub study.
In partnership with the New Jersey Department of Education, the New Jersey School Boards Association is proud to premiere the announcement of the New Jersey 2022-2023 County Teachers of the Year Virtual Awards Ceremony on Thursday, Aug. 11 at 10 a.m.