Board Members: Please Take NJSBA’s Gun Safety Survey
If you have not taken the gun safety survey, NJSBA urges you to check your email and take a few minutes to respond.
If you have not taken the gun safety survey, NJSBA urges you to check your email and take a few minutes to respond.
The New Jersey School Boards Association has a slate of engaging, timely webinars going on the next couple of months with more being added soon. Discover what's in store and register for the programs that interest you the most.
The New Jersey School Boards Association is seeking a full-time lead coordinator, sales and strategic operations, to join its team.
As reported in last week’s School Board Notes, a technical problem with Election Systems & Software’s election software system caused inaccurate vote tallies in six of Monmouth County’s 466 districts.
On Wednesday, March 1, 2023, the New Jersey School Boards Association will be hosting a School Finance Conference at the Conference Center at Mercer County Community College.
In a special video, leaders from the New Jersey School Boards Association celebrate School Board Recognition Month by thanking members of local boards of education for their dedicated service to students.
The law shifts the responsibility of determining the performance assessment for program completion to educator preparation programs beginning with spring 2024 program completers.
The New Jersey Department of Education announced in an advisory the release of the Work-Based Learning Handbook, which provides guidance for WBL programing in several areas.
The NJDOE has proposed regulations to implement a law allowing CTE educators to obtain a standard career and technical education certificate without having to pass the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test.
The New Jersey Department of Education’s Division of Educational Services will continue to offer American Rescue Plan and Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief roundtables.