To make a request for public records of NJSBA, please use the NJSBA Records Request Form. Please send the completed form to:

Custodian of Records
Carl Tanksley, Esq.,
New Jersey School Boards Association
413 West State Street
Trenton, New Jersey 08618

Requestors may also fax the form to the attention of the NJSBA Custodian of Records at 609-695-1577.

If your properly filed request for access to a government record has not received a response within seven business days, or fourteen business days if the request is a “commercial request” as set forth in N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq., you have a right to appeal the decision by NJSBA to deny access. At your option, you may either institute a proceeding in the Superior Court of New Jersey or file a complaint with the Government Records Council (“GRC”) by completing the Denial of Access Complaint Form. You may contact the GRC by toll-free telephone at 866-850-0511, by mail at P.O. Box 819, Trenton, NJ, 08625, by e-mail at, or at their web site at The Council can also answer other questions about the law.  All questions regarding complaints filed in Superior Court should be directed to the Court Clerk in your County.

For further questions about how to obtain NJSBA Records, please call Carl Tanksley, Esq., Custodian of Records, at 609-278-5254 or email