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Privacy Policy

The following notice describes NJSBA’s privacy policy and practices about the personal information collected and received from or through any internal site. As used in this section, personal information is that which identifies an individual, such as name, address, email address or phone number that may not be publicly available:

Notice to NJSBA Website Visitors

You are not required to be an NJSBA member or to provide personal information to visit public areas of the Association website. For locations requiring a login, you must have a specific user ID and password. Non-members will not have access to members-only features of the website, and will only be permitted to register for select NJSBA events. For security reasons, please do not share your user ID or password.

For each visitor to our website, our web server automatically recognizes only the visitor’s IP address. We collect aggregate information on what pages are accessed, and information volunteered by the visitor, such as survey information and/or site registrations. We also collect the email addresses of those who communicate with us via email. Your IP address (your computer’s Internet address) may be used to help diagnose problems with our server and administer our website.

From our site, you may register to attend events or obtain products. These registrations may require you to provide the following:

  1. Contact information such as your name and email address;
  2. Demographic information such as ZIP code and date of birth; and
  3. Financial information to invoice for products.

The information we collect is used for internal review or to improve the content of our website. NJSBA does not sell personal information to third parties. However, it is required to provide email addresses on file in response to requests made under the Open Public Records Act. Other than responses to OPRA requests, NJSBA will not transfer or disclose personal information.