The American Academy of Pediatrics and the New Jersey Department of Children and Families are hosting a webinar titled “ACEs – A Promise or a Peril: To Screen or Not to Screen, That Is the Question” at 9:15 a.m. on March 9.

The webinar will focus on adverse childhood experiences and will highlight topics such as:

  • Debates over whether to screen for ACEs in the clinical setting.
  • Risks associated with ACEs screening in pediatric primary care settings.
  • ACEs through an equity lens.

Speakers include:

  • Christine Norbut Beyer, who has been commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Children and Families since 2018.
  • Arturo Brito, president and CEO, Children’s Health Fund.
  • Rahil D. Briggs, national director of HealthySteps.
  • Dave Ellis, executive director of the Office of Resilience, which is a national leader in providing trainings and facilitating conversations on the lasting impacts of ACEs and generational trauma.