Learn how to “get to yes” on your bond proposal–or other finance question. Building year-round community support for the education program is a key. The NJSBA’s annual School Public Relations Forum on Friday, April 5 will focus on how to develop a successful campaign to win voter support. The forum will address how to tailor your message and use an array of communications channels, including traditional print media, social media, community meetings, district mailings and newsletters, and the district website. Participants will learn the legal do’s and don’ts of school district participation in a campaign, and representatives from districts that recently approved bond issues will share best practices. The program will be held at NJSBA headquarters at 413 West State St., Trenton, NJ 08618 on Friday, April 5 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. (registration and Continental breakfast at 8:30). Please ask your school business administrator to register you as soon as possible.