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2024-2025 Legislative Advocacy Agenda and Action Plan

NJSBA Bylaws state that the Association shall adopt positions consistent with its policy; encourage, promote and assist in the development of local, county, and statewide legislative networks; testify at meetings or hearings of the state Legislature and state Board of Education, and initiate policy recommendations for consideration by the Board of Directors.

Student Achievement

Advocate for policies that will close student achievement gaps and accelerate learning through intensive support, such as high impact tutoring and professional development for educators.

Promote multiple pathways for post-secondary success for all students in both life and career, including the expansion of vocational programs in comprehensive schools.

School Funding & Finance

Advocate for full funding of the state’s school finance formula (SFRA) to meet the needs of all students in a manner that is consistent, equitable, reliable, and sustainable.

Mitigate the adverse impact on school districts experiencing reductions in state aid due to ensure all students continue to receive a thorough and efficient education.

Push for a comprehensive review and study of the funding formula that facilitates public input and will result in findings and recommendations for improvement to the state’s system of financing public education.

Promote property tax levy cap flexibility to enable school districts to reach their local fair share, as determined by the funding formula, particularly for districts experiencing reductions in state aid.

Increase state financial support for costs that are largely outside the control of boards of education, such as special education, pupil transportation, and health care.

Special Education

Increase Extraordinary Special Education Aid, to fulfill the State’s commitment to reimburse 100% of eligible costs.

Increase federal support for special education by fully funding the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Staffing & Labor Relations

Combat the public-school staffing shortage crisis without sacrificing quality, including, but not limited to: o Enhancing the pipeline of qualified educators and highlighting the positive aspects of serving as a teacher or support professional. o Eliminate the state residency requirement (i.e., “NJ First Act”) for public school employees. o Strengthen teacher certification reciprocity between New Jersey and other states.

Promote policies that will increase the diversity of the teaching workforce.

Alleviate bus driver shortage through licensing flexibility without diminishing the safety of pupils.

Oppose and mobilize against efforts to intrude into collective bargaining and local governance, including decisions regarding personnel and employee benefits.

Student Health & Well-Being

Advocate for universal free school meals fully funded by the state and/or federal government.

Counter the effects of social media and internet usage on student mental and behavioral health.

Expand district capacity to develop and implement high-quality mental health supports, including supporting efforts that will expand the pipeline of qualified mental health professionals to provide school-based services.

Preserve and expand high-quality school-based youth services programs.

Promote social-emotional learning programs and improvements to the overall school climate.

Facilities & Construction

Advocate for state funding and reforms that will assist districts in modernizing aging school infrastructure.

Note: In all our endeavors, it’s explicit that we advocate for funding for all mandates.